Skin Diseases

There are various types of skin diseases that may be co-existing with each other. Therefore, a correct diagnosis is important to provide proper treatment.

Skin Diseases

Skin is the largest body organ, and also the shield of protection for the internal organs. Several microorganisms thrive on our skin, some are beneficial, while some are not. Thus, a compromised skin which is facing an onset or persistent disease can also have more impact on the body than just appearance. Following we have mentioned primary skin diseases which you shall be aware of:

  • Dark circleDark circle also known as periorbital dark circle are dark blemishes around the eyes. A person with dark circles under his/her eyes looks more aged and exhausted. More than grey hair or wrinkled skin, having dark circles under the eyes represents tiredness, fatigue, and ill-health. Dark circles can be temporary and generally not connected to any critical medical condition. But the haggard and aging look can be demoralizing and warrant.

    Risk factors that can precipitate dark circles can be anything like heredity, exposure to sun, excess or lack of sleep, skin allergies, dehydration, allergies, sinus/nasal congestion, stress, kidney/intestinal problems, insufficient blood circulation, personal habits like alcohol, smoking and excess caffeine intake

  • Dry Skin –Dry skin is a commonly occurring condition due to extreme cold and dry weather. Common characteristics of dry skin are rough to touch and flaky, scaly looking skin. Skin will have a dry feel and is not supple or elastic. Elderly people are affected more often than young people. Dry skin causes desiccated looking rough patches and fine-looking flakes. It is more common on your arms, hands, lower legs and flanks. Dry skin is also known as xerosis. Dry skin is commonly found in individuals who take certain medications and with a medical history like Hypothyroidism, Atopic dermatitis, Allergies and Asthma. External factors decreasing the water retaining capacity and can act as triggers of Dry skin are excessive, harsh soaps and shampoos, too long exposure to water – long swims or long showers, dry climate, cold weather, artificially heated indoors dry the skin, prolonged sun exposure, exposure to chemicals and sanitizers frequently.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder affecting women generally during their childbearing years. Hormonal imbalance, especially of female sexual hormones, is the prime cause for PCOS.
    This imbalance affects ovaries, disrupts menstrual cycles, and manifests various other characteristics. If untreated, it creates other systemic problems in the long run. PCOS is also known as polyfollicular ovarian disease, polycystic ovarian disease, and Stein-Leventhal syndrome The most important characteristic is enlarged ovaries filled with cysts. The hormone imbalance – without any apparent cause – triggers the onset and also causes PCOS symptoms like heavy, scanty and/or irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth – facial as well body hair, obesity, acne and hair loss
  • Alopecia areata – Alopecia areata is the condition where one encounters localized hair loss with patches of baldness. Hair loss onset is sudden and sometimes total baldness can occur over time. It is not associated with any internal or external medical problem. Causes of Alopecia areata is an auto-immune, T-cell referred condition. Immune system attacks the hair follicles. Weakened hair falls out in clumps leaving smooth patches of bald areas which is also one of the important causes. Sometimes noticeable thinning of hair only can occur without baldness. While hair grows in older bald patches, fresh hair-loss occurs in other areas. Damage to hair follicle is not permanent. Permanent hair loss can occur in about 10% of patients. Alopecia runs in families. The reassuring factor is that in most cases, the hair grows back after some months and there is no visible scarring.
  • Vitiligo- A skin disorder in which individuals develop white spots on the skin. These spots vary in size and location, and they are caused when pigment cells (melanocytes) are destroyed, and the pigment melanin is no longer being produced. These pigment cells are present throughout the hair and skin.
  • Eczema- The term ‘Eczema’ comprises various inflamed skin conditions. The most common form of Eczema is atopic dermatitis. Almost 10-20 percent of the total world population has/had been affected by this chronic, relapsing, and very itchy rash at some point during their childhood. Its cause is unknown, and often it disappears on its own. But this theory is widely believed that this condition can be an abnormal response of the body’s immune system..
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis- The beginning of the scalp gets oily, waxy patches, and can spread to the face and beyond. A severe case, while rare, produces widespread lesions. Like most types of Eczema, seborrheic dermatitis tends to flare in cold, dry weather.
  • Contact Dermatitis-This occurs when the skin reacts to something it comes in contact with, for example, bleach, soap, poison ivy, certain metals, or other irritants. The contact typically causes a rash which is red and may itch or burn. In some cases, it may cause a stinging sensation, or there might be blisters with liquid.
  • Neurodermatitis- If you are experiencing an itch, which is so intense that no matter how much you scratch, there’s no relief. This is something that feels like to have neurodermatitis. It is another type of eczema that develops when nerve endings in the skin become irritated, and they trigger a severe itch-scratch-itch cycle. The common cause of it is an insect bite and emotional stress.
  • Psoriasis- A medical condition that occurs when skin cells start growing too quickly. This happens due to faulty signals in the immune system that cause new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks. Now, the normal body process doesn’t match up with this, and excess skin cells aren’t shed. So the cells pile up on the surface and lesions are formed.
  • Rosacea- A common skin disease that causes redness and swelling on the butterfly area of the face. It is more common in women and individuals with fair skin. This usually begins between the age of 30 and 60. But in recent years it has been seen to get developed, in younger men and women. This condition can be aggravated by environmental factors such as sun exposure, wind, sudden temperature changes, hot showers, steam, and sauna. It can even cause emotional mood swings.
  • Urticaria- This condition is also called hives; they are localized, itchy, pale, and pink wheals (swellings) that can sting or burn. These are a common allergic reaction which may occur singularly or in groups on any part of the skin. It is so common that at least 10-20 percent of the population is assumed to have had or will have at least one episode in their lifetime. Often this condition disappears in a few days to a few weeks. Occasionally, it remains in a person for many months or years. Their size varies from a pencil eraser to as large as a dinner plate and may join to form even larger swellings.
  • Keloids- It is a type of scar which is firm, rubbery and has fibrous nodules. Their colour varies from pink to flesh-coloured or red to dark brown. Depending upon their maturity a keloid is composed mainly of either type I or type III collagen. This is because it is generally formed as a result of overgrowth of type III, which is then slowly replaced by type I
  • Fungal Infection- This is a very common type of infection in the tropics. There are many different types of fungal infection. Mostly all of them occur in the body areas that tend to be moist and sweaty like feet, groins, toes, nails, and buttocks. Some individuals with a depressed immune response, for example, diabetes, can also have more recurrent or widespread fungal infections.

There are several treatment options which cover some, many, or only one of them. At Tanus, we provide quality, affordable, and safe skin treatments from expert and experienced professionals. We always suggest individuals have consistent skin diagnoses and consultations for preventing and better managing skin conditions.

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