Radio Frequency (RF)

Tanus brings you quality radiofrequency treatment because sometimes your skin hosts some unwanted tissues and cells, which develop into moles and warts. Easy to perform and without any bleeding But finding a solution is always better than leaving them like that.

Radio Frequency (RF)

RF or Radiofrequency, also known as Radiosurgery or Radio wave Surgery, is a highly effective treatment for removing warts and skin tags. The radio waves can do the trick for your skin that other medicines and treatments couldn’t. This procedure has gained importance since it is easy to perform. At Tanus, you can always find quality and affordable Radiofrequency that provides you with effective results.

How This Works

As the name suggests, Radiofrequency uses the radio waves; they are passed into the skin to remove or reshape a lesion. Radiofrequency uses a low temperature and high-frequency energy radio waves to cauterize warts. A variety of electrodes are used depending on the type of lesion, e.g., fine needle, wire loop, or a scalpel blade. The lesions are cut and coagulate simultaneously without any need for applying pressure.

RF treatment does cause minimal bleeding, and it’s nothing to worry about. The treatment also has zero downtime. Tanus’ professionals always ensure clients of all the safety and security measures. Apart from minor bleeding, redness, bruising, and tenderness in the area for a few days can be expected, but it often heals on its own without much medical assistance. Other than these facts, radiofrequency is practically free of side effects and complications. It can be used in the removal of skin lesions, including:

  • Moles
  • Skin tags
  • Warts
  • Seborrhoeic keratosis (age or wisdom spots)

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